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Welcome to wiki for The Unifying Theory of Oxidative Health!

We explore the idea that oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction are the root cause of most non-communicable disease. That by centering mitochondrial health and restoring oxidative health, it is possible to stop and reverse the progression of metabolic diseases.

This wiki helps us track and organize relevant research, and explain these concepts in layman's terms.


Areas of Focus

The biochemistry of oxidative health

Endogenous aldehydes

Sources of Oxidative Stress: polyunsaturated fats (omega-6/linoleic acid), smoking, alcohol, high sugar diets, pollution, and radiation.

Antioxidants, red light therapy, and other ways of supporting oxidative health


Research Papers



Dietary Guide

Dietary guide to low omega-6 and low carb diets #lcl6

Low Carb

Levels of Omega-6 In Food

Avoiding Omega-6 In Restaurants and Supermarkets